Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Same old same old

The Lord's lovingkindnesses indeed never cease,
For His compassions never fail.
They are new every morning;
Great is Thy faithfulness.

- Lam. 3:22-23

"What's new?"
"What's happening?"
"What's up?"
"Whaddaya know that's good?"
The obligatory and mostly meaning-free greetings these days all seem to include an expectation of something new and different today. But God has not made the world that way. Sun rise; sun set; God is the same yesterday, today and tommorow. And His creation reflects the predictability that comes from His steadfast love and faithfulness.

So why do I crave the new experience? And why do we all so naturally fall into the trap of expecting each other to provide that spark of novelty, even in our weekly after-church greetings?

"Change is good."
"Variety is the spice of life."
Is it? Or is that just a not-too-latent dissatisfaction with God's good gifts today?

My sister has cancer. I would have been happy with "same old same old".

This is the day which the Lord has made.
Let us rejoice and be glad in it.
- Psalm 118:24

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